The Experiential Journeys: The Ride North

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Experiential Journeys
The Ride North
By Eve Care

I've recently been prompted to begin a small series of entries called "The Experiential Journeys," which involves using the Teachings of the I AM Presence that I practice every day when encountering certain individuals, activities, situations in the outer world, and wherever some part of Life may be presenting Itself to me for my attention.

Inspired to begin writing this series, my first encounter begins just recently on a day that I noticed how amazing my Divine Flow was, all day long. Now, mind you, I don't generally get a sense of it being so NOTICEABLE that it really grasps my attention because there is a really consistent charge of joyous energy flowing through me when going about my daily activities. On this day in particular though, it did, and I noticed how very joyous I was - flowing from one activity to the next, effortlessly - doing errands in town, here and there. Everything was completely in alignment and synchronistically flowing and it felt very "right on time" and consistent - without interruption or delay. (On a "normal" day (laugh), I AM in the flow, yet the charge of joy is more of a consistent peaceful, harmonious fluid feeling of contentment accompanied by feeling aligned with exactly what I AM being prompted and guided to do every step of the way.)

After completing errands on this day, I was ready to return home, when I saw a young man with one of those huge camping backpacks and another bag under his arm, walking up the road by the freeway entrance north, he had his hand out. I was prompted to pull over and ask him where he was headed, then I saw two others with him - another young male and a young female – also with large backpacks and bags in hand. They were 'headed north, as far north as you are going - we're trying to get up to Oregon' he said. I paused for a moment, knowing I was not intending to go north at all; I wanted to preserve the gas in the car and felt that staying local was more in alignment with what I was doing. So I told him that I wasn't actually traveling north on the freeway and basically wanted to know if they needed a ride somewhere else in Shasta, as I would have gladly taken them to wherever they were going in Shasta. So I waved him on and sent blessings his way, and I was about my regular course.

I made a u-turn on the next street up, and came back around to the gas station across the street from the freeway entrance. I still felt I wasn't done though, and not to head home yet. So I pulled over, turned off the engine, and proceeded to clear my energy fields and tune in for revelation.

"Take them to Weed," my Presence said.

Weed is the next town north of Mt. Shasta, and I felt confident in this prompting. I asked if I needed to get gas. I heard, "No." So with that, I re-arranged my groceries in the back seat, put some in the trunk and made as much room as possible for the three young travelers, and proceeded toward the freeway entrance. I heard again, "If they are still there, take them to Weed." And I felt a very strong charge of energy flow through me as I came around the bend. There they were, standing there like they had been waiting for me to pull up all along!

I told them I could take them as far north as the next town which is Weed, and they were ecstatic to be 'getting out of Shasta and on their way' that they couldn't get in the car fast enough. The younger male and female sat in the back while the one whom I originally greeted sat in the front passenger seat.

As we headed onto the freeway, the young female introduced herself and then each of us all followed her lead until we had all officially greeted. She then shared that I had just restored her faith in humanity by actually coming back out of my way to pick them up even though I wasn't going north in my travels that day. It was at that moment when I knew that this wasn't about giving them a ride. Anyone going north could have picked them up to do that. But my task was different; I had no plans on going north. But I was STRONGLY PROMPTED to ask them where they were going, and then to go clear my fields and tune into this opportunity - I wanted to make sure that if this was something that "I" was supposed to do, I wanted to do so and follow the Divine Plan coming forth through me.

"The Presence always delivers," is a statement I have heard Saint Germain (G) say to me often. I've adapted it as one of my own little reminders that lets me know I'm on track. I was reminded of that statement after hearing her speak about her faith.

There have been many opportunities over the past few years since living in Oregon and then moving to Mt. Shasta for me to pick up travelers either in town, by the freeway entrance or on the freeway itself. Each time I would feel into it and then ask, I would hear, "No." And that would keep me going, sending blessings their way by making a call to the Presence to see to it that the individual was safe and would get to their destination safely, and for the correct individual to be sent to them to transport them wherever they were going safely as well. Basically calling in the highest good for that individual's situation and all concerned and involved with it.

This was the first time I was ever prompted to pick up travelers, and I felt so wonderful to be granted the opportunity with a great positive charge on this, and knew that I was doing something that was necessary; something within me knew that I had answered 'their' call to the Presence within their hearts.

The young male in the back seat then began to speak about how he had just recently made some pretty big mistakes in trying to get around, and listening to people who were giving him bad advice. I responded by sharing with him about tuning into his heart for the truth and not to think about the answer, but do what feels right in his heart. He, as well as the other two passengers, seemed to fall silent as I was speaking, and I felt their energy was low. They all could have easily fallen asleep on that 15-minute trip within minutes after boarding the caravan, so to speak.

I knew that the Presence was working, and the Masters were able to radiate through me whatever spiritual nourishment each of them needed at the time, as I held space for each of them to come into their center. I could feel the flame of peace and tranquility enter the whole car’s atmosphere.

When we reached the destination town of Weed, for which I promised I could deliver them to, they exited the car very grateful. The passenger asked me if I has a few extra chips or a small snack I could offer him. I went around to the packages in the back of the car and handed him a bag of Oatmeal Raisin cookies which I had just purchased back in town. (Mind you, when I was shopping, I had no desire for the cookies, yet was prompted to purchase them and have them available!)

He was so grateful he gave me a great big hug. Then the female hugged me and the other male hugged me too. I felt like "mom" for a moment – and like I had just taken care of 'my' siblings.

And in fact, I had. I AM the Divine Female caring for all of God's Children.

And so it is!

(On the way home I heard, "Very Good!" and "Well Done!" I knew right then and there that I had just surpassed myself in some way.)

~*~ Copyright 2013 Eve Care. All Rights Reserved. ~*~


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